Thursday, 12 March 2015

Yasuo Inada and the Bemi Family, 1976 (Kankaku Shikō)

This album goes to the heart of what progressive is all about.  Starting with a beautifully played solo piano piece it moves on to various intricate compositions, with funky moments, electronic scribbles, chamber music, and a slow gorgeous song at the end: "Life, is such a wonderful thing..." it is, and it's partly thanks to beautiful music like this...

For those who don't have a taste for classical music the beginnings of sides one and two will be a slow slog, since Debussy constitutes the first few minutes of the former and Beethoven's Pathetic Sonata as I used to call it the beginning of the latter.  Notice that all the keys are played by Yasuo Inada.  Particularly useful I've found is to listen just prior to going to bed for some natural sedation.

Notice as well that Tom Hayes is right on the money with his assessment that there is nothing quite like this record.  To my mind, what comes closest is the Ajatulapsi of Kotilainen which is more electronic or Cosmic Debris' While You're Asleep.  Having said that, I would take Inada and Bemi's album any day over the other, it just never ceases to interest me in its various changes.  I must have listened literally dozens of times to it already.

Yes, life is a wonderful thing...


  • A1 ドビッシー 「水に映る影」より オリジナルNo.I (Debussy ''Mizu ni Utsuru Kage'' Yori Original No. I) 19:47

  • B1 ベートーベン ピアノ奏鳴曲8番ハ短調 / 作品13 「悲愴」「32の変奏曲ハ短調」より オリジナルNo.II (Beethoven Piano Sōmeikyoku 8-Ban Ha Tanchō / Sakuhin 13 ''Hisō'' ''32 no Hensōkyoku Ha Tanchō'' Yori Original No. II) 10:47

  • B2 オリジナルNo.III (Original No. III) 6:12          


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very interesting, thanks for it. Do you have Christian Boule's Photo Musik?

    1. Here it is:
      Boule's Photo Musik

  3. I have it, do you need it or is it a suggestion?
    That's a fantastic piece too...

  4. Many thanks for uncovering "Japan's Conrad Schnitzler"!

  5. Just hear snippetts from the album, which sounded fantastic so, yes i need it.
    By the way, i do not always agree with your assesments but there is hardly anyone else, who writes about his love and devotion for non mainstream music like you do. I am pretty sure there are tons of diamonds in your collection i´d love to hear.

    All the best for you and your family from Germany

  6. That's OK if you don't agree, it's such a matter of taste too. Most people utterly detest these non mainstream styles of music or at least, cannot even understand what the interest is.
    "What's wrong with simple music" I always hear.

    1. Thanks for the links and don't mind there are a lot of people who just consume music instead of living with and for it.

  7. Boule Photo Musik
    Boule Non-Fiction

  8. Thanks for the Christian Boule LP's sir!

  9. Hey! I know that a remastered CD is available with bonus tracks. Do you happen to have it?

  10. I would appreciate if you reupload this.
    This great music.



