Tuesday 11 July 2023

Sounds Nice - Love at First Sight, 1970 Easy Listening / Instr. [by request]

What a wonderful cover photo.

Info here. The usual easy listening cover versions of simplistic songs everyone is sick of hearing (e.g. "I heard it through the grapevine") then the occasional wonderful composition that stands out as miraculously original, like the closer caller Summer's End (by Paul Buckmaster):

Be aware this is the most complex piece on this LP and there is nothing quite like it on here otherwise. But still for this track alone, worth the price of admission (which of course was  $ 0 anyways).

Note that Zappa's King Kong appears here orchestrated very nicely.

In terms of information, this was an instrumental session group, one off, with organist Tim Mycroft and arranger Paul Buckmaster.  The latter is the genius who wrote the music for Chitinous Ensemble and who appeared in Sphincter, playing cello in the Third Ear Band. When you look at his arranging credits it's quite shocking how many well known hits he contributed to.