Thursday 9 May 2024

Des Laszlo's Fal Mogott: A lost masterpiece from 1984


From discogs, the possibly gratuitous or perhaps tongue in cheek (Eastern European humour?) descriptor:

Profile: Hungarian composer and saxophone player. Successful jazz musician.

Born January 9, 1954 in Budapest.

He was involved in multiple other projects which are spread out among different entries (eg Dimenzio, posted earlier here). Mention should also be made of 1978's Tomsits Jazz Group with its Escher cover, which is pure genius.

The title track beings relatively inauspiciously with A minor going down to F repeatedly but I love how the guitarist (who is this guy) develops the melody and the song changes throughout. 

Closing track Aura demonstrates quite convincingly his composer's talent or perhaps genius:

Really a wonderful, lovely lost album. Worth hearing a hundred times over.


  1. It's heartwarming to read the nice words about Dés and his masterpiece but there's much more where it came from. I'm an avid fan, so if anyone needs more of his music, just holler. There are at least two more albums of his that are outstanding plus there was his fusion band called Dimenzió with two spectacular albums.


  2. dimenzio 1981
