Monday, 24 March 2025

Forgas Band Phenomena Part 1, Roue Libre 1997, Extra-Lucide 1999, Soleil 12 2005


Part 3 really in the overview of this composer, after his solo works.

The title track from 1999's Extra-Lucide is remarkable, with its high energy jazz and synthesizer intensity:

The 2005 work Soleil 12, on the other hand, is notable for the fact it has only 4 tracks and one of them is over 30 minutes long!  At my age I already find it quite an imposition to listen to the entirety of a 20 minute side-long track, and this one is almost double the length in time.  I keep putting off listening to it to some other day but guess what, that day may never come.  For all I know it might even be a brilliant composition well worth the time, like Martz' The Pillory, or the Yeti, or a lot of the Xalph material.  

Note the info:

Recorded live at Le Triton, Les Lilas (France), March 15, 2005.
On the track 4. there is a brief moment of distortion on the violin at around the 8 minute mark. It is not a defect on this CD.

The title track displays this violin playing, a la Didier Lockwood quite nicely:


  1. Coming back with the final installment of Forgas material shortly

  2. Those two samples are real great stuff! I am curious about the 30min long track ...
