Friday 8 May 2020

Heretic, 1984-1988 CD Compilation (limited time only)

The earlier posted Osiris In the Mists of Time if you recall (which you should, since it was only 5 days back) was "Hiro Kawahara's pre-Heretic band. Many other recordings were also released on cassette between 1978-1982, under the names of Osiris, Astral Temple and Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. These are all hopelessly obscure and impossible to find."  (From discogs.)

This material fits well with the earlier post and shows what he accomplished in 4 albums with the eighties band Heretic.  To me they are a bit more interesting, being quite varied and at times uptempo.  It resembles the lovely Interior Design material or, if I were in a generous mood, the Seigen Ono.  Or maybe it's like bad Bi Kyo Ran stuff.  The Excerpts from Interface Part 2 gives you an idea of what I mean by that:

In the meantime, I will soon be back with all those requested LP rips which were stuck in various pandemic-affected countries (mostly in Europa).  After the process of disinfection is complete (i.e. sitting on top of the record player for a week.) 

It's always a sign that things are getting better when vinyl LPs start to arrive at my doorstep.  Although, contrary to certain leaders, our problems will certainly not 'disappear in the spring, like a miracle.'  The miracles are much fewer and farther between these days.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Julian
    Thank you very much, for me it's pretty good !
