Saturday 26 February 2022

Transit Zone from 1986: Jean Geeraerts, Francis Bourrec, Christian Meslier, Philippe Léogé, René Béranger

Wonderful cover considering the late date, for once.

Only one album from this group notable for the presence of guitarist Jean Geeraerts, who composed for legendary zeuhl group Dun. I could listen to that one every day and never get tired of it without a doubt.

The other composer was this gentleman, Pascal Vandenbulcke, who disappears from the database apart from an appearance with the marvelous Jean-Luc Chevalier whose many interesting albums I posted here earlier-- if links inactive, let me know and I'll reup them.

Very light fusion typical of the year this time with slapped bass, silly dance rhythms, silly repetitive chanted passages, that high-pitched and wimpy drum sound, etc.

The final track is the most progressive and moody by far:

I'd say that one piece makes the LP worth the price of admission (admittedly, extremely cheap)-- it's a wonder he didn't compose more music like this after the end of Dun given that he was definitely capable of some really thoughtful ideas. I love how both chord changes and melody are so completely odd-- yet the song as a whole really works perfectly, the only unfortunate aspect obviously being the 80s digital arrangement.


