Wednesday 24 February 2016

April Orchestra Part V: The Italian RCA Series from 1 to 16 [missing 15]

Well I think you get the idea.. really reminds me of my old childhood stamp collection...

Remember these are entirely different from the other April Orchestra volumes 1 through 16, in fact, they are copies of previously available Italian library records.  I don't understand why they had to be repackaged or recycled as AO's.  At any rate it's a real mixed bag with a lot of abstract modern Morricone music in the earlier numbers, none of which I enjoyed, but two albums are real delights, the one stolen from "Romantici," which is the Volume 8, and Volume 13 which returns to fusion, though only for one brief LP:

That was Northern Lights from Volume 13, the first track.  Music is by Puccio Roelens.

From the beautiful album usually known as Romantici, here is Nostalgia Di Un Giorno Felice which was composed by the incredibly prolific OST composer Carlo Rustichelli  and was derived from a 1968 Western called Un minuto per pregare, un istante per morire 

With a very Morricone-like sound, wouldn't you agree?  Hearing this soft ballad I'm tempted to try to find the film, though it was rated quite poorly, possibly explaining why I never saw it before when I went nuts over the spaghetti western genre.


  1. This time I'll put all of them in one folder, admittedly large, for easier download...
    Good luck

    1. so the missing volume, 15, was posted on its own:

  2. brilliant! really like these Italian ones. Thanks!

  3. Again - thank you so much! So many of the AO I haven't heard until you posted :) Or if I did it was long ago and not good copies. Much appreciated!

  4. Great collection! Undeniable work! Thank You

  5. Perfect Collection! Undeniable work! Thx

  6. Great work ...thank you !!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.
