Saturday, 25 November 2017

Sunleif Rasmussen, Karsten Vogel, Jóhannus Á Rógvu Joensen, Aage Tanggaard in 1984

This is the last album in Karsten the bird of beauty's discography I was curious to hear and it comes in the year 1984, just after the remarkable Signature album.  Unfortunately in the credits you can see he wasn't involved as composer, despite the fact the music sounds like a more acoustic and stripped down version of his own works.  Specifically the composers are Johannus Á Rógvu Joensen (tracks: B1, B3) and Sunleif Rasmussen (tracks: A1, A2, B2).

Here's the first track:

Later on side b some very advanced music, almost atonal, appears on the part of Rasmussen on electric organ, with the album closing out in a very melancholy manner, not so surprisingly.

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