Wednesday 23 October 2019

Frank Foster's Living Colour - Twelve Shades Of Black - For All Intents And Purposes, 1979 (1979)

An absolutely brilliant progressive jazz-fusion album along the lines of the wonderful Baird Hersey 1975 album posted here way back when.

Note this particular outfit only made one album.  It might be that he made more proggy stuff in his huge discography, and maybe someone can point me in the right direction.  After all, he composed and / or arranged almost all this mini-semi-masterpiece.
Track a1, For All Intents and Purposes:

So you can see we have all the trappings of the standard jazz big band, like Roy Burns, but the composition is surprisingly angular and unusual.  Somewhat more standard is a composition and chart called Cecilia is Love, but equally beautiful nonetheless:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great! Could you re-up the Baird Lps too!!!????

  3. I've not been happy with your recent posts but this is ok.

  4. Cool! I am really enjoying your blog! I initially found it while digging up info on Jun Fukamachi but there are all sorts of gems on here. I hate to do this but could you post those Fukamachi files that you've had up here before? I've got Rokuyu, but I have yet to find anything of his that I do not like!
