Thursday 5 March 2020

Veronika Fischer & Band, 1976 and 1977


On the verso of the top album, their first ST from 1976, I think we can all enjoy the bearded, glassesed dude on the far right who still missed the hippie days of the sixties.  Meantime, on the second ST album from 1977, the verso is just as classically seventies in its own wonderful, inimitable way.  The curvature of her eyebrows in particular is just so-- uh-- pencilly.

The music here is a mix of funky rock songs and ordinary sentimental pop music of the period from Germany which is sometimes referred to derogatorily as schlager.  On the other hand some of the music shines through quite brightly with clever hooks or melodies, perhaps not as impressive overall as my old favourite point of comparison, Uschi Bruning.  Note that Veronika made a couple more albums with this band (not sure if the members changed or not) which I'll get to shortly, since I don't think anyone ripped them heretofore.

From the first ST, Halt An:

From the second ST, Klar, etc., a not so bad hook but at least quite original:
