Thursday 21 January 2021

Back to Peter Patzer with 3 more, years unknown but likely early-mid-80s (Puddy's Bus, Classic Themes, Formation 17)

Maybe you remember this artist from the past when I posted in 2018 his Patterns, number 4 in this series, and Straight Line, number 2.  Today we have numbers 1, 7 and 8.  The series (possibly incomplete) can be seen here.  Inevitably the remaining missing albums are relatively expensive. I won't be seeking them out after hearing these ones, which are highly generic, as generic as Dunkin' Donuts. The Classic Themes for example is nothing more than the same tired classical compositions heard for centuries before, but with added drum machine to back up the digital keyboard.  No doubt at the time this kind of stuff was highly popular, and today too these library records still are.

1 comment:

  1. Three albums
