Wednesday 20 July 2022

Andre Ceccarelli (with Bernard Arcadio) and Project One, by Request, plus multiple others from him


I guess this man needs no introduction, discography here.  He did make one of my all-time favourite library records which is Rythmes, and I would pray every day to the gods of progressive rock and fusion that he had made a million more like it because it's a home run on every single track.

On top of that he was in many of my favourite fusion outings including Synthesis, Structure, Working Progress and the underappreciated but wonderful Troc

Then, on his own in 1977 he made two self-titled albums which really went far into the commercial direction, which you can't blame any musician for doing, who wants to be poor and unknown but creative instead of rich and famous in that particular sphere of pop culture? Especially when the riches and fame, for a star musician, can be so immense both in money and females.

From the 1977 Ceccarelli, one of the few very creatively original compositions is Space Out:

Thereafter he made two even more commercial albums with the band called Bad News Travels Fast, where there is really nothing of note in my opinion.

In 1981 he started a collaboration with pianist Bernard Arcadio with his ST album which continued through many albums throughout the 80s. Difficult for me to know if something so late can be any good, others will know more than me, you can see Bernard's library discography here.

Project One from 1985, with info here, is a surprisingly well composed set of library instrumental tracks, a couple of all-percussion pieces (Din Dou), with creative chord changes, interesting melodies and highly varied themes too, the only detraction perhaps is the digital keyboards used for all the arrangements.  For ex. the first track Garrance which gives you an idea of what I mean:


  1. The Great Project One

    All his albums I have:

    1. A restore of the albums from the second temp link posted here?

    2. temp link for all the albums


  2. He is amazing. Check him out with Trock, Alex Ligertwood, Working Progress, Synthesis, Human Egg. Osti Jarej.

  3. Can reup this link? Thanks Julian

  4. Thank you for this discography!!!

  5. Thanks for the Project One! Can't believe I missed the albums... any chance on a reup?

  6. I am delayed... Is it possible once more for u to upload it ? would love to hear more about them.. just discovered your blog, thank u

  7. no prblm
