Friday, 21 March 2025

More Patrick Forgas with the solo works after Cocktail (L'oeil 1990, Art D'echo 1993, Synchronicite 2002)


The first two albums continue along the same lines as the first with the falsetto singing on top of typically one chord tracks that develop in a light or playful manner, a bit Canterburyesque but much, much simpler.  That last one from 2002 is a complete all-out new age slow keyboard work, which is radically different from all the other albums and to me a bit uninteresting.

From 1990's L'oeil, Ze / Medley is a remarkable composition but the remainder, almost the whole of it, suffers from the tinny digital synths & 80s drum machine that afflicts so many works from this period in time:

1993's Art D'echo gets a lot more interesting and is sometimes quite crazy creative, consider Cache ta Paine (hide your pain, the de facto motto of all middle aged or older men):

As mentioned earlier, Synchronicite is a departure being mostly new agey keyboards and in fact, it's the only work from him in this style, eg Anima:

At times it sounds like the soundtrack to a video game, such as that for Tomb Raider.  Perhaps inspired by that one?


  1. limited time only
    more to come

  2. Hola, gracias por estos discos. El del posteo anterior lo tengo, como también dos ( 1999 -Extra-Lucide y 2009 L'Axe Du Fou (Axis Of Madness) ) de los cinco como Forgas Band Phenomena, a mi parecer superiores al anterior. Los de hoy tadavía no los escuché.
    Gracias nuevamente.-
