Friday 23 June 2023

Brian Protheroe's LPs [Pinball, Pickup, I/You, Desert Road] -- Temp links only


Profile: British singer/songwriter and actor (b. 16th June 1944).

Sites:, Wikipedia

Like all SSW albums from this time period you will get a slightly odd mix of music hall (think "Maxwell's Silver Hammer"), bluesy stuff, imitation pop hits from the 30s, etc., all those  chopped up Beatles pastiches like Uncle Albert with different songs mixed in one, and then some good, normal, typical songwriter compositions. On top of that, bonus, you get some really creative and interesting songs in there too which is why I include this post on this blog.

Apparently the track Pinball was a bit hit in the UK back then, what a surprise, since it seems much too simplistic (the song simply alternates between the two chords of D minor and G7) and the lyrics too downright silly, even made up on the spot, to make an impression on us today. On the other hand he was capable of some pretty inventive songwriting, as witnessed by the oddness, and Richard Sinclair-like self-reflection of  Changing my Tune:

Weeping Will, from the second album Pickup:

From the Third album, Evil Eye reminds me of our old favourite AOR pompers Baby Grand with the chopped chords and weaving electric guitar lines:

While the demo Sail from the more recent CD is worth hearing, without a doubt, with its remarkably unique descending chord change:

To be honest this last CD is much much better than I expected with some really lovely passages, including the new original songs, & just like before the very self-reflective lyrics appear: 
"The old man sits at the piano... the chords in his hand are not what he planned... he remembers when the world had a different tune..."

Highly recommended!! It's shocking that Brian was almost 80 years old on this last CD (Born 1944).


  1. Five albums including the Heaven OST which I found disappointing, temp links:

  2. Good God, this is an exceptionally good ssw, i usually don't seek out this kind of music but i may need to rethink that! Thank you, Julian!!!!!

  3. Thank you, Sir Julian! Appreciate this catalog very much.

  4. Leave Him To Heaven is missing. Can you please upload that as well? Thanks so much!

  5. I'm pretty sure there are more than two chords in 'Pinball'. And I don't think the lyrics are meant to be taken seriously either..:)
