Wednesday 17 July 2019

Juan Carlos Calderon in Solea (1978)

Born 1938 the artist began as a jazz pianist, at least I think he did, became the leader of an easy listening orchestra in the earlier half of the seventies then, similar to the case of Herb Pilhofer, and knocked a masterpiece called Solea out of the ballpark at the end of that decade-- at the ancient (musically) age of 50.

The album incorporates just about everything the human mind has musically imagined, with folk, classical orchestral, fusion, jazz, and sung (female) passages.  As I've said before, it's as if everything were merged into one gorgeous whole, all artistic genres happily cohabiting-- imagine having abstract expressionism, impressionism, and renaissance masters all in one painting.  That this can be done with music (not art) is just mindblowing.  Because of the power of its imaginative base it's similar to other fusion compositions like Arif's The Journey, Mahavishnu's Apocalypse record, etc., and definitely just as compelling with its vision.  The only drawback is the short length of the whole-- you can see that it's under 32 minutes.  And it seems like no Spanish album is complete without the requisite flamenco chord changes (e,g, E minor, F, G) but here the folky tropes are thankfully kept to a minimum.  So it seems there are two distinct drawbacks.  Maybe more, depending on your tastes.

The third track called Oration incorporates the strands of library music/OST (wordless female vocals), the easy listening arrangements he was clearly adept at (the horn sections), the excitement of fusion instrumentation in a very warm and tender melody that builds in intensity as it crescendos:

It seems a bit shocking to me that this hasn't yet been officially released to CD, perhaps Tom Hayes should look into that.  And the music is very accessible, I can even imagine my wife enjoying it, or at least pretending to, before continuing to delight me with all the intricate details of every single minute of her long work day I can't wait to hear about that invariably involve the manager who she detests and everyone else also hates..



  2. ......zzzpopzzzzcracklezzzpopzzzcracklezzzzz.......

    "It's no good sir, we can't raise him...."
    "Where's his last known transmission traced to?"
    "Out past The Perimeter..."
    "...'Out where there's no stars'...dammit Parsons, we lost him."
    "Looks that way sir."
    "What exactly does his last message say?"
    "It's rather cryptic it is in full..."

    "An hour before sunrise, at the helm...
    as dark oceans of time and space swelled and flowed beneath our feet.
    A proud and eerie grandeur seemed mixed with our Enterprise,
    a touch of the 'Other', like 'magic mirror'; the Ticket To Everywhere.
    ...the past and the future seemed far away...
    By track 4 at 1:18, we dissolved into celestial space-time,
    rising like a beautiful bubble,
    to the surface of the sea...
    World Receiver
    A Positive Life
    A Future Perfect State
    'Where have you been?'
    'Wandering around in the past.'
    Absolutely magnificent, a jewel of creative expression.
    Dance with your Dreams..."

    [Thank You! Thank You!! Thank You!!!]
