Wednesday 19 February 2020

Swedish Text And Music 2 from 1976 and 1977

This Swedish group made 2 progressive albums back in the day, mixing the usual Scandinavian style of folk and Beatles-derived pop rock and music hall numbers with political rock, occasional jazz-rock, horn-rock, and indeed, as it might sound, they were all over the place.  Nonetheless both albums are full, well, half-full of half-empty depending on your optimism meter, of good songs.  And it might be that like me if you follow the news closely, that optimism meter is taking quite the beating by the global weather outside which has added another item to the problem list of our species with the novel coronavirus covid-19.  A similar album, which is also highly recommended, would be the Roda Lacket one-off from 1974.

For ex. a more electric fusionary number:

And a pop rock in the McCartney vein, the title track of Jaguaren:

Then oddly enough the second album proved inferior to their first, with more standard simplicity like ethnic numbers, a reggae song, and a cover version of the godawful "song" Feuilles-oh.  I could shoot whoever wrote that thing.



  2. I have been trying to find this album all over the internet for years to no avail, there is one guy on soulseek that has it, but wont let anyone download... you are my last resort...

  3. is there any way you could put the entire contents of this blog in one downloadable torrent?? I ask only because i believe this blog is an extremely important 'lost' archive of a very particular and distinctly European era of jazz/improvised/progressive music.Its really unique and that is why i ask.thanks for all your efforts.Steve.

  4. Pure JAZZ, the american jazz influencing the world more bossa nova from Brazil.
    o brogue do jazZÉ
    all is need, all exist at option
    no stop.

  5. Hi julian,
    Many Thanks for this other gem
    I have a request. I've been looking this for a long time:
    Can you help me?
    Thanks in advance
