Wednesday 8 July 2020

Daniela Casa, Part Due

Thanks to an incredibly generous and kind commenter we have more Daniela Casa, which so many people seem to have enjoyed as much as I did.  Unfortunately a lot of the music here is totally generic, especially the Pathways of the World series.  Even the covers are unchanging from one to the next.  It makes me wonder how she could put her mind to the task, which admittedly is well accomplished for each country in question, but I suppose it's like the writers or poets who wrote for advertising agencies: the thought of a paycheck at the end of the work is what led them on.  In fact the album called Rock and Folk has titles which suggest bands, like the tracks called Stones or Black Sabbath, but both really fall flat in terms of composition, surprisingly, maybe showing she hated that particular style.  Then as well she must have hated Dylan.  On the other hand it's obvious she loved modern art, because the first Vernissage album is just amazing and full of interesting ideas.  Quite a bit as atonal as you'd expect from the references to abstract art, structuralism or Dada, but sometimes the modern classical compositions really are worthy:

This seems to be where her heart was.
And a musical idea of impressionism is almost too easy to write given the influences of Ravel and Debussy, with the whole tones and smashing wavy chords and so on.

The other interesting album is the surprisingly late 1986 Confidential album under the moniker of Elageron.  Here the music is quite tender and expressive and approachable like the recent British Mansfield material.  If it's not expensive I'll get the others from "Elageron."


  1. In two parts, I left out Ricordi D'Infanzi as I bought the LP and will post a lossless later:

    Part 1

    Part 2

  2. Thanks! Big fan and looking forward to these (although some may not be all that great. Anyway, this is probably my favorite among the Casas I already got "Arte Moderna" (not my link). Not the same album as "Vernissage"
