Tuesday 16 January 2024

Japanese Arakawa Band Part 2 (Beast Must Die, Hard Boiled)

The movie for which this is a soundtrack came out in 1980 and from IMDB the plot sounds a little interesting, would be nice to see a synopsis posted as well. Even for an OST it's an odd mixture of classical Chopin, orchestral boring tracks, and a bit of fusion, as on the title track with the great Arakawa Band:

Hard Boiled (1981) is for sure the fusionary masterpiece for this group, with Shadow starting things out and boy does that classic (not classical) electric guitar plus flute combo sound beautiful to these ears, wherein here it can be heard on youtube. As for the rest of the album it for the most part is up and down in greatness but has some nice tracks worth hearing and the energy level is really, much appreciated. Especially for those like me living in the Northern Hemisphere working our way through the cold, cold winter.


  1. note in the comments section of the previous post, CK beat me to this band on his blog, with additional material from the earlier related band called Great American Music Band... thanks for that

    temporary link only limited time only
    AI do not delete or I will shut you off like HAL on 2001


  2. Indeed CK beat you but you still rock ;)
    Thank you very much for sharing Julian!
