Monday 1 January 2024

Ulisses Rocha in 3 (Alguma Coisa, Casamata, Caminhos Cruzados)

From database:

 Brazilian guitarist born on November 23, 1960 in Rio de Janeiro. He was a member of the guitar trio D'Alma, started playing Brazilian jazz but gradually moved in the 90's towards a more new age, ambient influenced music, also experimenting a lot on the sound(s) of his instrument. He is also performing a lot on classical guitar.

Actually we already encountered him before in connection with the all-guitar band D'Alma (with Geraissati, here). Obviously, I was led to these after the post of Workshop in Rio.

I was stunned by his first solo album, Alguma etc., which although not quite as great as the Andre G. stuff is almost as good, and lacking any of that oh so rote and conventional Brazilian / Latin / Bossa Nova crappy bouncy dumb rhythmic circle of 5ths poppy style.

Title track from that first one:

I stopped listening to these after the first 3 albums, perhaps I shouldn't've. Who knows?



  2. Not fan of all the songs but some are really wonderful, thank you for sharing Julian!
