Thursday, 19 December 2024

Crypto from 1975 in FLAC limited time only

This is utterly masterful European-style fusion, by that I mean it has emotional depth and variance, classical importations, complex arrangements and sounds and minimal overlong improvising in the American jazz tradition.  The mastermind or composer is a Dutch guy called Peter Schon who played in numerous other outfits, fusion at first but later on, disco, synth and rock, as one might expect.

Information on this brilliant work can be found here.

Gallfly is just a whole course on how to create memorable and inventive fusion with its shimmering strings opening leading into the funky keys pattern, then abrupt chord changes before tonic resolution:

My favourite track is Awakening and the reason is obvious, the soft keyboard intro leads into some outrageously creative and unique electric guitar arpeggiated melodies, it just blows me away how they came up with something at once euphonious, and totally odd, then this whole intro section transforms into a modal type vocal song:


  1. limited time only flac

  2. Could you be so kind to reload it since i'ts no more available, thanks in advance!!!

