Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Requested albums: Carrousel La Vie est un Mystere [1982], Guadeloupe Reflexions Un Jeudi [1980], VS Quartet A Pot Zou [1986]


All of these were requested, and please, go ahead and make more requests because they turn out to be treasures I never heard of oftentimes. 
This stuff is all afro beat jazz from France, 1980s.

Carrousel - La Vie est un Mystere 1982, info here. A long description of this work can be found on that page that begins:

Loy Ehrlich, a multi-instrumentalist, was invited to Reunion in 1977 to join the Caméléons. This group, made up of René Lacaille, Alain Peters, Bernard Brancard, Joël Gonthier, and Hervé Imare, was in charge of the recordings and productions of the Royal studio in St Joseph, which had just been set up at the time.

In 1979 the group Caméléons ceased its activities and, under the motivation and the musical direction of Loy, the group Carrousel was born at the Etang St Leu with Alain Peters on bass and vocals, Loy Ehrlich on keyboards and vocals, Bigoun on drums, Joël Gonthier on percussion, Bruno Leflanchec on trumpet and Zoun on flute.


Guadeloupe Reflexions – Un Jeudi A L'Arawak 1980 info here. Not much info actually, or tbh as the kids say.

Track called Guadeloupe Reflexions:

VS [Victor Sabas] Quartet – A Pou Zot... 1986, info here. Note that another album came out in 1991 from this grouping.

From that one, have a listen to the felicitous piano of Feliz:


  1. and happy holidays

    two of these are lossless so limited time only (Guadeloupe is mp3)


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Replies
    1. -- 1st was good but no sample for 2nd: https://youtu.be/oN-49PYgDNU
      Tunderground - Ballyho (2011)
      -- tax scam label
      Brian Post - Post Time (1977) https://youtu.be/oC12rWuR8J0
      -- jazzy & library
      Claude Guilhot - Bach on Vibes (1965)
      Claude Guilhot - Belbology (1969) https://youtu.be/4PL_1OEL1HU
      Claude Guilhot - Petit Voyage (1979)
      Georges Arvanitas, Claude Guilhot – Qu'est-Ce Qu'on Joue (1986)
      Georges Arvanitas Jazz Quartet - I Like It Cool (1976) https://youtu.be/sV27PJ4h4O0
      Robert Viger - Feeling Jazzy (1977) https://youtu.be/or7quYpQS6U
      -- reisue may be difficult because of the title
      Jasper Van't Hof "The Wink to My Female Slave" http://www.eadrecord.com/base_listen/2023031106.mp3

    2. Charles Loos - Tout Seul (1982)

      Ritchie DeCarlo - Week (2013)

      Pruett & Davis Group - Time's Arrow (1997)
      Pruett & Davis Group - Breaking The Rules (1993)

    3. Feedback - Od Blizu (2008)
      Feedback - Pro Mehanika (2009)
      Feedback - Skrivnost (2013)
      Feedback - Iztroseni In Predvidljivi Fusion Vzorci (2020)

  4. Many Many Thx man... and Happy Holidays to you too

  5. A tasty trio of requests!
    Carrousel is exceptionally fine, like the tracks 'Vali' & 'Les Singes' when they get into some deep moody grooves :)
    ...nice album cover too!
    Thank you Julian,
    Happy holidays my friend

  6. Hi Julian, I completely missed this. Any chance of a re-up?

    1. https://www.swisstransfer.com/d/f4df78a7-0e6d-47ae-9973-385311499c2a
