Friday 4 October 2019

Junius Brutus's 1982 Sleight of Hand

Shockingly here's an artist/band that made more than one album, namely, four in total.  Well, more if you include all the others.  All privately pressed of course.  A clear example of overconfidence in the face of presumably constant and incessant rejection, it really should be an example to all of us when we are young men full of testosterone, anxious for the attention of females.

This particular one is from 1982.  Unlike most of what I've featured so far it's mostly 'psych' and really oddly out of the zeitgeist for that reason.  Usually that's a good thing, but unfortunately I detest the style due to its simplicity, and its 60s throwback.  The second last track which is called Candlemaker's Son has a truly bizarre chorus, though:

I understand these vinyls might be worth a lot of money and be costly to listen to, but I'm 100 percent not inclined to throw away my money for the rest of the lot.  And, which is worse, if someone offered them to me for free I would ask for paypal money sent to me for having to listen to them.
Just kidding, it's not that bad or I wouldn't have bothered to include it here.


