Sunday 15 November 2020

Back to Bill Mays in Kaleidoscope (1992)

Peter Sprague who appeared earlier in the preceding posts reappears, but not Magnusson, at least on this occasion.  And this occasion is surprisingly good for the late year, though marred unfortunately by those dumb standards incl. the horrendously Yersenia Pestis-like Body and Soul which is given a kind of ethereal touch with classical-influenced high-pitch piano key wanderings, interesting to hear though ultimately when that stupid melody kicks in, disappointing.

However there are two tracks here that blew me away, the ST Kaleidoscope:

and the one called Adirondack with the subtitle Wedding Serenade:

These two tracks are absolutely perfect music, as far as I'm concerned, or IMHO as my kids would put it.  There is nothing that could make these better, artistically.

I threw in here a mostly acoustic and mostly solo Peter Sprague release from 1980 I thought would be interesting, but isn't really, called Bird Raga.  There is another from him with the lovely title of Na Pali Coast, a name which will be familiar to those who have ever visited Hawai'i, but there is a track missing and the names have been mixed up, I threw it in too.

If he's reading this, my guitar-loving reader who lives in Hawai'i will surely jump up off his chair. Or surfboard.
Lucky those who are 'locked down' in a beach town!


  1. Kaleidoscope
    2 from Peter Sprague

  2. There's never enough of Dick Oatts - thanks a lot!!!
