Wednesday 27 April 2016

Talgorn, Izzanelli, Rimbert, Attard, etc. in April Orchestra Vol. 56: Compilation Jingles [1984] by request [plus lossless]

Like a viral rash you can't get rid of (hopefully not the dreaded Zika) it's back, our AO series...  Each time I ask myself why do I punish myself like this-- (and this was definitely a bitter torture when you consider there were 25 tracks on side b most only 15 seconds long)-- oh yes now I remember, once in a while, like with RCA Volume 15, a track emerges that lights up my life like a rocket and will illuminate it for what feels like a thousand years...

First of all, composing information can be found here.  Note the presence again of Romanelli (here called Izanelli) from Vol. 38 wherein the combo with Jannick Top proved very fruitful.  In fact, the first track, for which he is part responsible, is quite nice, and surely appeared in one of those old French movies with undressed stars lounging by a summer beach cottage talking about philosophy and who to have sex with:

Can you believe the title of that composition is Rocking Chair?  That surely is the worst title selection in the whole of the AO series.

Subsequently, Rimbert's A2 track is a little disappointing.  But another favourite Talgorn (Vol. 57) returns at A3 with the oddly titled, but well-composed Fish Race:

The majority of side B is given over to L. Attard, whom I did not like in his earlier record.  A representative track by him would be the last one, with its gentle harp strumming accompanied by vibes-- it's a true shame he didn't develop these ideas more fully, but at least he abandoned the obnoxiously French accordion:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi excuse me is it possible to ave a re up for the 56 please ?

    2. new up

  2. excellent, ta! (I guess we're deep in completist territory here...feel like my son with his Panini football stickers.)
