Saturday 24 August 2019

Hiroyuki Namba / Nanba, 4 albums (1979-1984)

There is an extensive bio on rym, which you can read if interested.  I am not sure why that turn of events would ever come to pass.  Suffice it to say he made some remarkable music in this period, very reminiscent of the earlier posted (but perhaps a bit superior overall) Masanori Sasaji.  The latter in particular used to very good effect his classical music education to provide some really interesting creative directions.  Namba, on the other hand, is more straight electronics-soundtrack-fusion in style,  I'm sure you know what I mean by that genre, often descending into the light fuzak territory, for which he can't be reproached given this was the apocalyptic trend in the early 80s.

On the 1982 album the Jun Fukamachi aspects of the fusion are both undeniable and irresistible:

While later, on the 1984 opener called Prologue, it feels like the good ol' days of prog rock could last forever:

Though in reality, like Gatsby's dream or Ronald Reagan's 'Morning in America again', those days were already dead and long gone, never to return again.


  1. IM dorry for all the troubel, but can you reupload this?
    I would really apprecieta.
    Thank you for all you r efforts.



