Friday 19 February 2021

Dick McGarvin's 1974 Peaceful (USA)

Wow, that's gotta be the best cover we've seen in ages, and so perfect for the kitty-addled internet of today with its short-attention-span addiction to memes. 

Not a heck of a lot of information about this artist in the database, seems this was his only release and it came out in 1974.  Musically very similar to the US post of Wally Short's Turquoise that I loved so dearly, but perhaps not as impressive overall, similar textures, mood, and overall gentleness as befits the title (and cover art).  The track called Nova, for e.g.:

Whilst the title track is really rhodes-lovely:



  2. Thanks Chris,looking at the back of the album I recognized
    a familiar name Glenn Cronkhite and song Follow Your Heart!

  3. Mel Martin here on soprano sax! Thanks a lot...

    1. Its a lovely gem of an album! It says on the back of the cover that you're responsible for the fluteplaying on Waltz For Tricia as well (where it sounds like you're improvising over a theme based on some folk-or renaissance-era tune. Maybe that's just my association, but it's beautiful in any case)
